Tuesday 3 November 2015

Cereal Sightings: Christmas Rice Krispies!

It's Christmas time ! I'm not even kidding, I saw these in shops the day after Halloween. But I'm not complaining - I love both holidays!

With the new retro , festive design I knew I had to buy a box. There are also new christmas designs for Cornflakes , where a cheerful Santa's face adorns the box and Coco Pops, where our monkey friend has stolen his hat.

I found my box in Morrison's on offer for £2, and struggled not to buy all three.Yes, I'm a sucker for all this stuff , but I'm also sure I'm not the only one!

Any cereal sightings will also be posted on my twitter, which can be found here
https://twitter.com/thegrainlady  #represent

Friday 30 October 2015

Crunch Creations: Rocky Road Cereal

Welcome! To the new segment of this blog titled "Crunch Creations" . This is where I will be posting cereal creations intended to imitate a flavour or food and letting you know if its worth it. The ingredients will be posted at the bottom of the page, so you if you'd like you can recreate the experience at home.How exciting.

I'm starting off with something easy- Rocky Road! To make this in cereal form I used the following:
Coco pops,mini marshmallows and digestive biscuits. Many enjoy the odd raisin in their rocky road - but I shall not partake in any eating of the wrinkly grape! However if you do like them , then I'm sure they would accompany the flavour well.

As mentioned this was a pretty safe bet , but not as good as I thought it would be. To get a realistic taste of rocky road you really have to concentrate on eating it, otherwise the flavours over power each  other too easily. However when you do focus, it comes together perfectly and replicates the flavour very well.Even when the biscuit goes soggy it doesn't matter as it blends with the milk for what can only be described as liquid biscuit.The marshmallow brings a sweet chewiness after the crunch which is identical to that of actual rocky road, making this a bowl to defiantly try at home.

More flavours will be coming soon, if you have any ideas you'd like me to try then please let me know!


Coco pops
Mini marshmallows
Digestive biscuit
Raisins (optional)

Taste- 4/5
Sog factor-2/5
Cereal milk-4/5

Last comments- Coco popy road? It's not my best, I'll admit.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Cap'n Crunch's Sprinkled Donut Crunch cereal review!

 I'm all for food that looks like other food. Whether it's French Toast Crunch, dinosaur chicken nuggets or a cake that looks like a burger- I love it! Right now you'll probably either be nodding your head in agreement or wondering if I am in fact 8 years old.But lets put any differences aside and marvel at the fact that this cereal exists.This is the sort of thing we would never get in the UK and I knew I had to try it.

Opening the bag, I was punched in the face by the sweet smell of ...? I have no idea, my nose has never experienced this smell but it was very strong and smelt good.Maybe this is how doughnuts smell in America.Maybe I've never taken the time to smell a doughnut properly.Or maybe I should just stop over analysing it.

As you can see , it lives up to it's name.While the hoop shape is common for cereals, the sprinkles were a great touch and I thought it was impressive that they used proper ones instead of a fake decoration.Above is the recommended 28g serving but a few extra doughnuts can't hurt.

I tried a single piece dry, eating it how one would eat a doughnut as I felt it only fair.I was actually very surprised at how much flavour one piece had and eagerly added the milk. I scooped the hoops, making sure I got some extra "sprinkly" ones and was met with a very sweet,vanilla flavour.I have to admit I found it a bit overwhelming.It had a very unique taste and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.However as I contemplated this , I kept eating, proving it to be quite more-ish. One thing that is impressive is the crunch! I can see how the captain got his nickname, despite the controversy over his actual ranking.The cereal stayed crunchy throughout and the flavour actually got better after having a little soaking! I think this is because the sweetness got a bit diluted and the bowl became a bit more bearable, or bowl- arable shall we say.You are left with something similar to what I imagine original Cap'n Crunch taste's like , but I couldn't say for sure as I've never tried them.

The colour of the sprinkles make their way into the milk, resulting in a greenish, blue colour that reminds me of those toffee ice creams you could get from the ice cream van after school. Unfortunately that's not how it tasted , but I was too mesmerised by the colours to care.

In all honesty, it's probably going to take me a while to get through the box, but I enjoyed the novelty of eating more than 12 doughnuts at once without feeling a mixture of triumph,proudness and regret.
If you have any food you like that looks like other food, please let me know in the comments!


Sog Factor-4.5/5
Cereal milk-1/5

Last Comments- I would eat way more stuff if they were shaped like dinosaurs.

Sunday 4 October 2015

New Weetabix Protein crunch chocolate cereal review!

Weetabix are a cereal brand that stay true to my heart. Not to be mistaken for a cereal band, such as Korn-flakes. Ok, I'm kidding , but I do love Weetabix in all of its forms- in particular "Crunchy Bran" and "Weeto's". Protein is becoming increasingly popular, and for adults that want to have chocolate for breakfast but also need the energy- this is perfect.

 Looking at the shape, I wasn't sure if I was about to eat cereal or crisps! I think you know which ones I'm talking about. Rhymes with "Sheet Munchies" which coincidently is another name for when people eat beds. They were also smaller than I imagined- which is good as they looked quite difficult to eat. For those wondering there is 20g of protein per 100g. Above is a 30g serving which gives you 6g. I don't know if that's good or not- my apologies.

They looked like they have the same sort of texture as Weeto's, So that's what I was thinking they would taste like.I went in with the milk.A few of the tubes together and there is a pleasant chocolate flavour. It's not amazing I have to say. To best explain it, I would say that it does taste like Weeto's-just not as good. The great thing is though is that there is no weird powder aftertaste that you can get with some protein products. Also when they say "crunch" they aren't kidding.I would even go as far to say they need a second to soak if you don't want to scratch your mouth. Maybe you do want to scratch your mouth and have been searching forever for a tiny cat that would be perfect for such needs.I don't know and I won't judge.

The further I got, the less of chocolate it started to taste and it started to get quite bland.I wondered if the chocolate had found its way into the milk. It hadn't.

Despite this , I did enjoy this cereal somewhat and I feel it is a great compromise for cereal lovers who need the extra boost in the morning.


Taste - 2/5
Texture - 3.5/5
Sog factor - 5/5
Cereal milk - 2/5

Last Comments- I woke up with a six-pack by the way.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Belvita Soft Bakes Choc Chips review!

When I hear the phrase "soft baked" I think of a warm, gooey cookie straight from the oven.I tried to get this image out of my head, as I knew they were unfair expectations to set for a breakfast biscuit!
Although I am quite fond of a Belvita, particularly the honey and nut flavour , so I was interested to see how these would taste, as they also have chocolate chips.
If I can help it, 80% of the things I eat would contain chocolate chips

Below is the shiny wrapper you get it in.Yes, you only get one! It made me realize how big the "V" is in the logo. It looks like a big tick , which is a sentence that needs to be enunciated well when being said out loud.

It defiantly looked soft baked, which is good because I don't enjoy being lied to by biscuits.Breaking a bit off further confirmed this and I took a bite. The first thing that hits you is a very oaty flavour, just like the normal oat flavoured Belvita's;then you get a chocolate chip, which is rich and dark.Just like my men.
The texture is an odd one. It is nice and soft , but has weird crispy bits inside , kinda like the ones found in a Cadbury's boost bar.

Honestly, I didn't love them and I was a little disappointed they didn't taste like a cookie , but that's probably my problem more than Belvita's. It's also worth mentioning I'm not a big fan of oat biscuits, so if you do enjoy a bit of crunchy porridge, then they might be worth a try!



Last comments- What does Jackie Chan eat for breakfast...? Belvi-TA!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Coco Pops Choco's cereal review!

 You know that cereal that they always have at the breakfast buffet when you go on holiday? I think this is that cereal. Well, it's the same shape anyway- and that's good enough for me!

I found this unusually small bag in Poundland. The cereal being a shape that for some reason is uncommon in the UK. I don't know why, maybe the curl is hard to achieve, and like me on a Monday morning, cereal makers just can't be bothered.

Below is the 30g serving they reccommend. It doesn't look like much, but their shape means they all snuggle together closely.Did that stop me from adding more? nope!

Completely ignoring the preliminary dry taste test, I got right to it with the milk , and had a good amount on my spoon. My eyes lit up, as the low expectations I had set were smashed. This is the dark horse of cereals. The chocolate flavour is strong and intense, with the texture matching and staying crunchy for a good time.
The curly shape is delightful, and makes it even tastier.I don't know how -but it does. The taste actually reminded me of Chocolate Toast Crunch. ( review here http://grain-lady.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/chocolate-toast-crunch-cereal-review.html ) I mean it wasn't AS good, but at £1 a bag and being easy to get, I wasn't complaining.

As for the milk, it takes on a little bit of the chocolate flavour , but it's nothing to write home about. Not that anyone would write a letter about cereal milk, they put it in a blog!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5
Cereal milk-2.5/5

Last Comments- Why aren't more cereal in bags? Honestly, I think I'd rather have a cereal bag than a handbag.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Ice cubes in cereal: Not the rapper!

Thought I'd try something different and write a post about the act of people putting ice cubes in their cereal. This is for those confused as to why people do it and for the others who can take comfort in knowing that they are not alone.

I put ice cubes in my cereal . If you think people are odd for doing this , will I judge you? Of course not ! I pity you.

Maybe people do it for different reasons, but for me it's for the milk. Putting Ice in cereal results in a very cold milk that takes cereal to the next level ! especially when you drink it at the end. Most peoples first reaction is "gross , watery milk! " You don't notice it though, and even if you did it's worth it. Once you realize the beauty of cold cereal and its leftover milk you will be disgusted by the luke-warm toilet water that is normal milk. Wow , I sound like a jerk. Of course I am very grateful that I have a fridge and milk so just know I'm being dramatic on purpose.Thank you.

I can't think of another reason someone might put ice in their cereal. Unless, maybe they're eating whiskey flavoured cereal. Which should defiantly be a thing.

For those of you who want to try it but are unsure, here is a list of things I was skeptical about and turned out to love:

  • Sushi
  •  Naps
  • Crunchy Bran
  • Wearing pajamas as clothes
  • Frogs
  • One Direction but only ironically ( and secretly very seriously) 
  • Actually no , I still don't like frogs

Well I hope that helps you understand the trend more. Like a lot of things in life , ice in cereal is not for everyone . For example, those with sensitive teeth. However if you haven't tried it , give it a go , because it's great. Take a risk ! It's a lot safer than bungee jumping. Probably.Let me know in the comments if you put ice in your cereal or your opinion on the matter- this is what real politics is about!

Tune in next week for Ice cubes in cereal: Yes , the rapper!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Rice Krispie's Treats cereal review!

Rice Krispie's Treats are the tried and tested combination of marshmallows and Rice Krispies , and most likely a bunch of chemicals which I should probably care more about consuming. The finished product though is delicious, and a baking staple in most households.
So when I found out about Rice Krispie's Treats Cereal, I was amazed. What genius came up with this idea ?

It had been a while since I made this discovery and struggled to find anywhere that sold it in the UK. I was starting to give up and dabbled with the idea of making my own Rice Krispie's Treats and then just bashing them into small pieces and adding milk. However I knew in my heart that it would not be the same. It would also have been a sign that I had way too much time on my hands.

Then I saw it. Amongst the many other boxes of cereal at the cafe , its purple box stood out and called to me. I imagined this is what it's like to start a relationship online and meet for the first time in real life. Only with this there were no disappointments. Think Catfish but with food instead of people and happy endings instead of anger.

I just want to apologise for the poor photo, the lighting was dark so I had to make some lighting adjustments. #nonofilter. Because there is a filter.

Well it tastes exactly how you would expect. Rice Krispie , marshmallowy , crunchy goodness. It was literally like eating broken Rice Krispies Treats, and I felt less ashamed by my previously mentioned idea. I will be honest and say I wasn't blown away, but still enjoyed it very much. If this was easily available to me I could defiantly see myself craving it and making trips to by a box and 10:00pm on a Tuesday night.The texture was also good and stayed surprisingly crunchy for a long time.

I finished the bowl very satisfied , with the milk taking on the sweet, marshmallow flavour perfectly. I envy you America and the wide selection available to you. The only cereal I can think that might be similar in the UK is Ricicles. Basically frosted Rice Krisipie's. If anyone's tried them, please let me know what you think in the comments. If you haven't tried them , then you can pretend and write something anyway, I won't mind.


Texture- 3.5/5
Sog factor-3.5/5
Cereal milk- 3.5/5

Last Comments- I would like to mention no snaps,crackles or pops were to be heard when eating this cereal. Only a crunch. Crunch is the fourth one , he's older and cooler than the others.

Friday 21 August 2015

Cereal Killer Cafe: Camden review!

 I'm back for round three ! This time at the Camden location , as I felt it my duty as an avid cereal cafe fan to try both locations. As suspected , it's amazing!

The cafe logo is proudly displayed on the front of the shop , behind a bunch of video tapes which is pretty cool and sticking with the retro theme.Just the same as Brick lane , in that when you enter you are met with a wall of cereals and a menu on the right.

I was visiting with a mission. I knew exactly what I wanted to order as I have been wanting to try them for ages. coco pops. No just kidding, I wouldn't commit such a crime.
I went for a bowl of French Toast Crunch and another of Rice Krispie Treats cereal. I will post a review for both of these soon, so look out for that!

When inside , you see this amazing wall made out of milk containers. It's crate!
Old TV's are placed inside it, making me not only enjoy the nostalgia of old cartoons, but appreciate the architecture and sturdiness of the sculpture standing beside me. Next to this are tables and a bar like setting with a long table and stools.

 Further on there's an even bigger seating area , with beds! I firmly believe this is because everyone knows cereal is better in the evening than in the morning. Or does it mean I could live there if I paid rent ? I'll ring them ...

Even more retro memorabilia covers the walls, which I could look at all day . Old things are fun to look at actually. Cereal boxes , cars , and even though it's gross there's something about mouldy fruit which is just disgustingly mesmerising.

Anyway, I'm very happy that the cafe is getting the attention it deserves and that the company is expanding. The more the merrier is what I say! I just hope that one day there's a location closer to me.

If you'd like to know what the Brick Lane location is like, there is a review here

Friday 14 August 2015

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme cereal review!

 Hershey's chocolate isn't something I eat a lot of here in the UK. Is it because it's harder to find? Or because it tastes gross? Ok, i'm exaggerating. My point here is that I don't feel I'm experienced enough to compare this to the real bar. However I love cookies , and had high hopes this is what the cereal would taste like.

They smelled good, I was defiantly getting the creme scent coming through;That is not a sentence I hope to use in any other situation. They are smaller than I was expecting , the box had mislead me and my trust was beginning to fade. Below is the recommended serving of 27g , which is 110 calories. Not including the extra cereal added when you decide to ignore this fact.
Shout out to my first commenter who asked me to do this :)

That sounded sarcastic, it wasn't meant to be I promise. Anyway , I tried the pieces dry- separately of course! To my surprise , the "white chocolate" balls were more flavourful and had a nice vanilla hint. Whereas the brown ones - which I'm guessing were the cookies - were quite mild. Eager to see how the flavours would combine, I added the milk.

As suspected the white chocolate is the more prominent flavour, and the whole thing is a little underwhelming. It's a nice bowl of cereal tough. Good white chocolate flavour with a hint of broken promises. Only because I was hoping there would be a dark chocolate flavour , like the biscuit pieces found in the bar, but there was none ( so much for not comparing) . Texture however was very good , staying crunchy throughout. The remaining milk is pretty much the same, just a bit sweeter.

I guess the cereal I'm really looking for is " Oreo-o's" , an Oreo flavoured cereal which are only to be found in South Korea. One of the many cereals on my long list of ones I'd love to try. Maybe one day. *looks dramatically out of the window*


Texture- 4/5
Taste- 3/5
Sog Factor- 4/5
Cereal milk- 2/5

Last Comments: Whoever's pouring the milk in the picture on the box needs to take it down a notch.    It's going to go everywhere and the cereal will go soggy while they tidy it up. Fool.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Jif Peanut butter cereal review!

 When I saw this cereal I knew it needed to be good. After all it has strong competition. My favourite being Peanut butter toast crunch. In peanut butter cereal I look for a strong flavour,good crunch and a nice dust. Dust is a must.
 The peanut butter smell is strong with this one. I've never had Jif before as it's not as popular in the UK but if it tastes how this smells, I must try it. I was quite skeptical of this cereal as its concept reminded me of Cap 'n' crunch PB cereal, of which I'm not a fan.
I got a good amount on my spoon with some milk and was pleasantly surprised. The flavour is a decent replica of actual peanut butter and the crunch is great. My first bowl down and I thought I had it sussed. Better than Cap 'n' Crunch but nowhere near as good as PB Toast Crunch. 

Then something happened. Every bowl after got better and better. The flavour got stronger and I loved it more every time I had it. Maybe its because it got dustier after the top layer but I felt a victim of cereal witchcraft. Its just as good as my current favourite and I polished off the box pretty quickly.

As for sogginess , this cereal shines when its dry but is still good after a bit of a soak. It's only weakness is the milk, leaving very little flavour and only a reminder that it's all gone.Maybe I should add cereal milk to the overall list ? 

Anyway this cereal is amazing. I find some cereals I fall in love with the first couple of bowls and then go off them. However I loved these through and through.Just goes to show first impressions don't always count :)


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5
Cereal milk- 2/5

Last Comments- Jif sounds like an old-timey dance. 

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Chocolate Toast Crunch cereal review!

I have waited a long time for this. Ever since trying-and falling in love with-Peanut Butter Toast crunch , I knew I had to try the chocolate version. So when I managed to get my hands on this I was very excited.

 Eagerly opening the box and having a sniff, I was met with a strong smell of cocoa , this was very promising. I mean just look at that dusting! On this journey of cereal self discovery , I have come to realise that I am very fond of a dusty cereal. I tried a single piece dry,teasing myself. I knew the flavour wouldn't be as strong on it's own. The solitary square was underwhelming, little chocolate flavour and almost had a savoury aftertaste. I had not given up hope tough,as with the PB Toast Crunch- this was only one square.

I poured in the milk and scooped up a big spoonful of this long awaited cereal. HOLY MOLY THIS IS GOOD. The chocolate flavour was so rich and powerful , eating it I felt like a sophisticated adult ;all I needed was a glass of red wine and a velvet dressing gown and I was set. The hint of cinnamon , comes on queue , right at the end and takes this to the next level! This dark chocolate flavour combo paired with the signature texture and crunch makes for the perfect chocolate cereal. It almost felt like I was eating chocolate biscuits, just lighter and better.

Not to mention this whopper! Do not fear for the roof of my mouth , I have had many years of training to deal with this situation.

You're probably wondering about the milk. If you're in the unofficial cereal fan club , you know the milk is important. Well, this does not disappoint. The milk welcomes the sugary dusting like it's long lost family - and the reunion is delicious.I also feel like this version holds up better in milk, but maybe that's because I ate it so fast , it didn't have a chance to get soggy.

The only variety I haven't tried is Frosted Toast Crunch. Please let me know in the comments if you've tried it and think it's worth a go :)


Texture- 5/5
Sog factor-4/5

Last Comments- I need to go lie down.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Golden syrup flavour snaps Review!

 Asda have been on point with their cereals at the moment. I was stuck for choice with the various new flavours on offer. Along with this they had strawberry snaps, milkshake flavoured shreddie like things and a new Weetabix cereal. In the end I chose this though- Golden syrup snaps. I think it's because Rice Krispie's are one of my ultimate cereals. Simple but delicious.

The only other golden syrup flavour cereal I've had is Weetabix and I didn't really like it. With this in mind while opening the bag and getting a whiff of it , I realised that in actual fact - I don't like golden syrup.

With the excitement of choice , I seem to have made a bad decision.I pressed on however , for my readers that I one day hope to have. Sarcasm aside , I tried some dry. Oh dear. I didn't like this one bit , just a small amount was enough to put me off and give me a bit of a headache from the sweetness. I know this makes me sound like I should be at Weenie Hut Juniors but it's the truth. Appearance wise the "snaps" are smaller than Rice Krispies and a lot stickier.

I didn't give up though , I will not be defeated so easily , especially without even a milk test, so in it went. The good news is , it tastes a lot better in milk. The flavour is diluted a bit and much more bearable. If you liked golden syrup then I'm sure you would love these as they are very true to the syrups original taste. The milk left tough was not good.Really not good, but again I don't like golden syrup and in hindsight , this was a pretty stupid thing for me to review. So to all syrup fans out there , let me know what you think!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-2/5

Last Comments: I would love it if Asda tried some different flavours of this. Peanut butter would be amazing! They could even do a chocolate one...wait never mind.

Friday 5 June 2015

New Lion granola review!

I'm going to be honest here; I've never had Lion cereal. I know! It's a sham! Who am I to judge this granola when I've never had the proper cereal. It gets worse, as I'm not even the biggest fan of granola. It's just there's usually too much of a honey taste going on for me. BUT I'm going to review this anyway because I'm a rule breaker, and this did look very tasty. Maybe it was the picture of big chunks of chocolate and caramel reeling me in.

 Well as you can see , I've been fooled! No big chunks of chocolate to be found here. Oh well, it still looks pretty good and there are some big clusters lurking in there, which did have some small chocolate chips. The aroma was also nice, with a slight caramel hint.

Granola is the only type of cereal that I think tastes better without milk, and these were very tasty and crunchy. I'm not one to snack on cereal tough , so in the milk went.

It didn't taste too different actually. There is a nice caramel taste with a slight chocolate hint, and it's always a better flavour when you get a cluster as apposed to lots of little bits.That could just be my imagination tough! Texture is very good, very crunchy, very milk resistant. The only thing I wasn't a fan of were the little oats- tasted like not cooked porridge, but then again that is what they are. I'm all over the place with this!

Lion milk isn't too dissimilar from cow's milk.I'll inform the scientists immediately. A slightly caramel sweet taste is left , and all of the fallen off oats sink to the bottom. nice surprise if you like them , not if you don't.

This granola is probably the nicest granola I've had. So if you are a big fan of granola you should defiantly try it. Theres something about it thats very moreish. Even tough it didn't amaze me , I still find myself wanting more.


Taste- 3/5
sog factor-4.5/5

 Last Comments: More like GRRRnola . Oh dear.
 Edit: It's been a few weeks since this review and the more bowls I have ,the more I like it. Taste is now 4/5, I'm sorry for judging you granola, you are delicious.                                    

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Weeto's Cereal bar review

 Do cereal bars count as cereal? Of course they do , and are not forgotten on this journey of cereal discovery ! I didn't know these still existed and when I saw them in Poundland I was over the moon as Weeto's are one of my favourite cereals! An "on- the- go" option would be the perfect choice when I'm still peckish after an actual bowl of Weeto's. Just Kidding but I really do love them that much!
 Well the picture on the box looked appetizing , and I felt transported back to my child self as I remember the days when this was a common treat. Opening the bar it had that classic cereal bar smell if you know what I mean?
What I was hoping for was a bowl of Weeto's compacted into bar form with an extra chocolate hit from the base. Unfortunately this is not what I got. There is only a slight similarity between this and the actual taste of the cereal and the whole thing is just overpowered by a sweet taste. There is no real distinct flavour . The texture however was nice , crunchy and chewy as expected. Overall a disappointment , with the only saving grace being the chocolate base.

I have either been failed by my memories or by one of my favorite's. It's gunna take a while to recover from this one guys.


Texture: 3.5/5
Taste: 1.5/5
Sog Factor- N/A haha seems too official for what this is.

Last Comments: Yes , I am going to ignore the time between my last post, sorry :(

Monday 4 May 2015

Tesco FreeFrom Crispy Choco-Nut Pillows Review

Gluten free products are becoming increasingly popular and I was happy and surprised to find these existed.I think we all know what cereal they are replicating and I was looking forward to seeing how they would compare.Why is the squirrel playing hockey? I really don't know , maybe it's working up an appetite.I however was ready for a bowl.

They don't have much of a smell , but that's probably because all the chocolaty goodness is encased in a crispy "pillow", so I was still hopeful. I didn't try one dry , thought I'd mix things up a bit and let it be a surprise because that's just the kind of crazy person I am.

Unfortunately I didn't have Krave to compare , but getting a few on a spoon I would say the taste is very similar. The chocolate hazelnut filling is delicious and how I hoped it would taste. Although they are quick to go soggy, the texture is still pleasant and holds the filling in well. You wouldn't be able to tell these were gluten free at all ! They didn't amaze me too much, but I think that's just because I prefer different types of cereals. If cereals had genres that was.Maybe I should make some up.

If you are gluten free you'll be happy to know this is a lovely cereal and I'm sure it will make many flour foes very happy :)


Texture- 3/5
Sog factor- 3/5

Last Comments: Long name for a cereal tough aint it?

Friday 17 April 2015

New: Kellogg's Star wars cereal review!

 Another new cereal from Kellogg's.This time it's Star Wars , in what I'm guessing is in preparation for the new film coming this year.I loved Star Wars when I was younger, so the kid in me was very happy to see a new cereal for it's release. " A new force at breakfast!" is stated on both sides.I don't think there will have to be any forcing at breakfast in the morning now !
 The shapes are stars and moons which creates a nice space themed bowl.It didn't smell that chocolaty but I'm not sticking them up my nose so I continued undeterred.Trying a piece dry , there was a good crunch.After adding milk and scooping up some of the crunchy galaxy , there is a lovely deep chocolate taste. At first I thought I could detect a yeasty taste, almost like Marmite but not in an unpleasant way and it weakened the more I ate, just adding to the depth of flavour. The dark chocolate  is lovely and this is a very good cereal without being too sweet. They also remain crunchy for quite a long time - making them even more enjoyable.
Something that I feel is important with chocolate cereal is it's milky remains.It's last chance to say "I'm all gone, but don't forget me!" If cereal could talk that is...Anyway the milk left is a tasty one, slightly chocolaty and sweet - a happy ending if you will.

I actually think the cereal would pair really nicely with Kellogg's Frozen cereal, combining chocolate and vanilla - gonna have to try that ! Both cereal's can be found in Asda if you fancy picking up a box or two!


Sog Factor -4/5

Last comments- Bran shot first.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

New: Kellogg's Frozen cereal review !

Frozen. Cereal. I bet kids everywhere are going crazy for this.Probably a lot of adults too! And I can understand why.There's something very exciting about a cereal based on one of your favourite shows or movies , and is something we don't often do in the UK. The only thing that's missing is the free toy , which I strongly believe is something that needs to be brought back, right?! I'm not even a massive fan of Frozen and this still excited me - and also got the songs stuck back in my head! There are two front covers, the more characters the merrier is my reasoning for this.

 At first glance they may not seem that exciting but on the box are described as "vanilla flavour rice,wholegrain oat and maize cereal shapes" I don't think I've ever tried vanilla cereal before so I was  quite intrigued. First thing's first,they smell great ! A lovely sweet vanilla scent . Above is the recommended 30g serving and I was impressed with how much you get.The shape's were stars and what I'm guessing is snow or snowballs and I enjoyed the difference from the usual shapes, because I'm easily pleased I guess haha.
 I popped a dry piece in my mouth and couldn't detect much vanilla, but a nice grainy aftertaste and a good crunch.However when milk was added and you got a few on a spoon the vanilla flavour became stronger and very moreish. Although still not very strong,they taste really good and I found myself enjoying them more and more with each spoonful .
The one thing I will say is that they are quite quick to lose their texture.They remain a small crunch but seeing as this cereal is probably aimed for smaller mouths this might a good thing.Based on pure cereal verdict tough, this would be a downfall.Maybe I should just let it go......

As expected the cereal didn't really affect the colour of the milk but did give it a nice hint of vanilla and finished off the bowl nicely! Not to mention the white on white colours matching the frozen theme!This is , in my opinion, quite a simple cereal but very tasty and you should defiantly give it a go! Kellogg's have also released a Stars Wars cereal which I bought and will probably be trying soon, so look out for that!


Texture- 4/5
Sog Factor- 2/5

Last Comments- Bring back toys in cereal and the world will be a better place.Please.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Chocolate lucky charms review

 Ahh Lucky charms.An American classic.This is not the original tough this is chocolate lucky charms! Its been a while since I've had the normal version but I have to admit to them not being one of my favourites. However the promise of chocolate with those signature marshmallows was enough to reel me back in and give them another go!
 I was expecting a strong smell of chocolate when opening the bag but there was only a slight hint.I could also detect a sweet smell from the marshmallows.The colours really make it for me, we're not used to bright cereal in the UK and I loved how it stood out. I had a couple of pieces dry and was underwhelmed.Where was the chocolate? The milk was added in hopes of it all coming together.However the chocolate flavour was still not very strong and overpowered by the sweetness of the marshmallows.The marshmallows tough, as I'm sure you know, were delicious.I can see why so many save them all for the end! The texture of the cereal is good, and they hold up in milk.The marshmallows get quite slimy but still have their freeze-dried like texture which was lovely.

Overall I was disappointed.This could have been so perfect but in my opinion was not that flavoursome. The lucky leprechaun tricked me!
The milk was actually my favourite part of the cereal. It takes on the little chocolate flavour there is and makes for a lovely drink! If you're a big fan of the regular lucky charms then you would probably love this cereal and even if you don't , it's worth it for the marshmallows!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5

Last Comments- :(