Friday 5 June 2015

New Lion granola review!

I'm going to be honest here; I've never had Lion cereal. I know! It's a sham! Who am I to judge this granola when I've never had the proper cereal. It gets worse, as I'm not even the biggest fan of granola. It's just there's usually too much of a honey taste going on for me. BUT I'm going to review this anyway because I'm a rule breaker, and this did look very tasty. Maybe it was the picture of big chunks of chocolate and caramel reeling me in.

 Well as you can see , I've been fooled! No big chunks of chocolate to be found here. Oh well, it still looks pretty good and there are some big clusters lurking in there, which did have some small chocolate chips. The aroma was also nice, with a slight caramel hint.

Granola is the only type of cereal that I think tastes better without milk, and these were very tasty and crunchy. I'm not one to snack on cereal tough , so in the milk went.

It didn't taste too different actually. There is a nice caramel taste with a slight chocolate hint, and it's always a better flavour when you get a cluster as apposed to lots of little bits.That could just be my imagination tough! Texture is very good, very crunchy, very milk resistant. The only thing I wasn't a fan of were the little oats- tasted like not cooked porridge, but then again that is what they are. I'm all over the place with this!

Lion milk isn't too dissimilar from cow's milk.I'll inform the scientists immediately. A slightly caramel sweet taste is left , and all of the fallen off oats sink to the bottom. nice surprise if you like them , not if you don't.

This granola is probably the nicest granola I've had. So if you are a big fan of granola you should defiantly try it. Theres something about it thats very moreish. Even tough it didn't amaze me , I still find myself wanting more.


Taste- 3/5
sog factor-4.5/5

 Last Comments: More like GRRRnola . Oh dear.
 Edit: It's been a few weeks since this review and the more bowls I have ,the more I like it. Taste is now 4/5, I'm sorry for judging you granola, you are delicious.                                    

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