Tuesday 26 May 2015

Weeto's Cereal bar review

 Do cereal bars count as cereal? Of course they do , and are not forgotten on this journey of cereal discovery ! I didn't know these still existed and when I saw them in Poundland I was over the moon as Weeto's are one of my favourite cereals! An "on- the- go" option would be the perfect choice when I'm still peckish after an actual bowl of Weeto's. Just Kidding but I really do love them that much!
 Well the picture on the box looked appetizing , and I felt transported back to my child self as I remember the days when this was a common treat. Opening the bar it had that classic cereal bar smell if you know what I mean?
What I was hoping for was a bowl of Weeto's compacted into bar form with an extra chocolate hit from the base. Unfortunately this is not what I got. There is only a slight similarity between this and the actual taste of the cereal and the whole thing is just overpowered by a sweet taste. There is no real distinct flavour . The texture however was nice , crunchy and chewy as expected. Overall a disappointment , with the only saving grace being the chocolate base.

I have either been failed by my memories or by one of my favorite's. It's gunna take a while to recover from this one guys.


Texture: 3.5/5
Taste: 1.5/5
Sog Factor- N/A haha seems too official for what this is.

Last Comments: Yes , I am going to ignore the time between my last post, sorry :(

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