Wednesday 26 August 2015

Rice Krispie's Treats cereal review!

Rice Krispie's Treats are the tried and tested combination of marshmallows and Rice Krispies , and most likely a bunch of chemicals which I should probably care more about consuming. The finished product though is delicious, and a baking staple in most households.
So when I found out about Rice Krispie's Treats Cereal, I was amazed. What genius came up with this idea ?

It had been a while since I made this discovery and struggled to find anywhere that sold it in the UK. I was starting to give up and dabbled with the idea of making my own Rice Krispie's Treats and then just bashing them into small pieces and adding milk. However I knew in my heart that it would not be the same. It would also have been a sign that I had way too much time on my hands.

Then I saw it. Amongst the many other boxes of cereal at the cafe , its purple box stood out and called to me. I imagined this is what it's like to start a relationship online and meet for the first time in real life. Only with this there were no disappointments. Think Catfish but with food instead of people and happy endings instead of anger.

I just want to apologise for the poor photo, the lighting was dark so I had to make some lighting adjustments. #nonofilter. Because there is a filter.

Well it tastes exactly how you would expect. Rice Krispie , marshmallowy , crunchy goodness. It was literally like eating broken Rice Krispies Treats, and I felt less ashamed by my previously mentioned idea. I will be honest and say I wasn't blown away, but still enjoyed it very much. If this was easily available to me I could defiantly see myself craving it and making trips to by a box and 10:00pm on a Tuesday night.The texture was also good and stayed surprisingly crunchy for a long time.

I finished the bowl very satisfied , with the milk taking on the sweet, marshmallow flavour perfectly. I envy you America and the wide selection available to you. The only cereal I can think that might be similar in the UK is Ricicles. Basically frosted Rice Krisipie's. If anyone's tried them, please let me know what you think in the comments. If you haven't tried them , then you can pretend and write something anyway, I won't mind.


Texture- 3.5/5
Sog factor-3.5/5
Cereal milk- 3.5/5

Last Comments- I would like to mention no snaps,crackles or pops were to be heard when eating this cereal. Only a crunch. Crunch is the fourth one , he's older and cooler than the others.

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