Friday 30 October 2015

Crunch Creations: Rocky Road Cereal

Welcome! To the new segment of this blog titled "Crunch Creations" . This is where I will be posting cereal creations intended to imitate a flavour or food and letting you know if its worth it. The ingredients will be posted at the bottom of the page, so you if you'd like you can recreate the experience at home.How exciting.

I'm starting off with something easy- Rocky Road! To make this in cereal form I used the following:
Coco pops,mini marshmallows and digestive biscuits. Many enjoy the odd raisin in their rocky road - but I shall not partake in any eating of the wrinkly grape! However if you do like them , then I'm sure they would accompany the flavour well.

As mentioned this was a pretty safe bet , but not as good as I thought it would be. To get a realistic taste of rocky road you really have to concentrate on eating it, otherwise the flavours over power each  other too easily. However when you do focus, it comes together perfectly and replicates the flavour very well.Even when the biscuit goes soggy it doesn't matter as it blends with the milk for what can only be described as liquid biscuit.The marshmallow brings a sweet chewiness after the crunch which is identical to that of actual rocky road, making this a bowl to defiantly try at home.

More flavours will be coming soon, if you have any ideas you'd like me to try then please let me know!


Coco pops
Mini marshmallows
Digestive biscuit
Raisins (optional)

Taste- 4/5
Sog factor-2/5
Cereal milk-4/5

Last comments- Coco popy road? It's not my best, I'll admit.

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