Friday 14 August 2015

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme cereal review!

 Hershey's chocolate isn't something I eat a lot of here in the UK. Is it because it's harder to find? Or because it tastes gross? Ok, i'm exaggerating. My point here is that I don't feel I'm experienced enough to compare this to the real bar. However I love cookies , and had high hopes this is what the cereal would taste like.

They smelled good, I was defiantly getting the creme scent coming through;That is not a sentence I hope to use in any other situation. They are smaller than I was expecting , the box had mislead me and my trust was beginning to fade. Below is the recommended serving of 27g , which is 110 calories. Not including the extra cereal added when you decide to ignore this fact.
Shout out to my first commenter who asked me to do this :)

That sounded sarcastic, it wasn't meant to be I promise. Anyway , I tried the pieces dry- separately of course! To my surprise , the "white chocolate" balls were more flavourful and had a nice vanilla hint. Whereas the brown ones - which I'm guessing were the cookies - were quite mild. Eager to see how the flavours would combine, I added the milk.

As suspected the white chocolate is the more prominent flavour, and the whole thing is a little underwhelming. It's a nice bowl of cereal tough. Good white chocolate flavour with a hint of broken promises. Only because I was hoping there would be a dark chocolate flavour , like the biscuit pieces found in the bar, but there was none ( so much for not comparing) . Texture however was very good , staying crunchy throughout. The remaining milk is pretty much the same, just a bit sweeter.

I guess the cereal I'm really looking for is " Oreo-o's" , an Oreo flavoured cereal which are only to be found in South Korea. One of the many cereals on my long list of ones I'd love to try. Maybe one day. *looks dramatically out of the window*


Texture- 4/5
Taste- 3/5
Sog Factor- 4/5
Cereal milk- 2/5

Last Comments: Whoever's pouring the milk in the picture on the box needs to take it down a notch.    It's going to go everywhere and the cereal will go soggy while they tidy it up. Fool.


  1. This looks delicious but it's a shame about the leftover milk - I love super sweet leftover milk! Where did you buy this?

    1. Me too! I got this at a nearby sweet shop but I've seen it around online quite a lot :)
