Friday 21 August 2015

Cereal Killer Cafe: Camden review!

 I'm back for round three ! This time at the Camden location , as I felt it my duty as an avid cereal cafe fan to try both locations. As suspected , it's amazing!

The cafe logo is proudly displayed on the front of the shop , behind a bunch of video tapes which is pretty cool and sticking with the retro theme.Just the same as Brick lane , in that when you enter you are met with a wall of cereals and a menu on the right.

I was visiting with a mission. I knew exactly what I wanted to order as I have been wanting to try them for ages. coco pops. No just kidding, I wouldn't commit such a crime.
I went for a bowl of French Toast Crunch and another of Rice Krispie Treats cereal. I will post a review for both of these soon, so look out for that!

When inside , you see this amazing wall made out of milk containers. It's crate!
Old TV's are placed inside it, making me not only enjoy the nostalgia of old cartoons, but appreciate the architecture and sturdiness of the sculpture standing beside me. Next to this are tables and a bar like setting with a long table and stools.

 Further on there's an even bigger seating area , with beds! I firmly believe this is because everyone knows cereal is better in the evening than in the morning. Or does it mean I could live there if I paid rent ? I'll ring them ...

Even more retro memorabilia covers the walls, which I could look at all day . Old things are fun to look at actually. Cereal boxes , cars , and even though it's gross there's something about mouldy fruit which is just disgustingly mesmerising.

Anyway, I'm very happy that the cafe is getting the attention it deserves and that the company is expanding. The more the merrier is what I say! I just hope that one day there's a location closer to me.

If you'd like to know what the Brick Lane location is like, there is a review here

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