Friday 17 April 2015

New: Kellogg's Star wars cereal review!

 Another new cereal from Kellogg's.This time it's Star Wars , in what I'm guessing is in preparation for the new film coming this year.I loved Star Wars when I was younger, so the kid in me was very happy to see a new cereal for it's release. " A new force at breakfast!" is stated on both sides.I don't think there will have to be any forcing at breakfast in the morning now !
 The shapes are stars and moons which creates a nice space themed bowl.It didn't smell that chocolaty but I'm not sticking them up my nose so I continued undeterred.Trying a piece dry , there was a good crunch.After adding milk and scooping up some of the crunchy galaxy , there is a lovely deep chocolate taste. At first I thought I could detect a yeasty taste, almost like Marmite but not in an unpleasant way and it weakened the more I ate, just adding to the depth of flavour. The dark chocolate  is lovely and this is a very good cereal without being too sweet. They also remain crunchy for quite a long time - making them even more enjoyable.
Something that I feel is important with chocolate cereal is it's milky remains.It's last chance to say "I'm all gone, but don't forget me!" If cereal could talk that is...Anyway the milk left is a tasty one, slightly chocolaty and sweet - a happy ending if you will.

I actually think the cereal would pair really nicely with Kellogg's Frozen cereal, combining chocolate and vanilla - gonna have to try that ! Both cereal's can be found in Asda if you fancy picking up a box or two!


Sog Factor -4/5

Last comments- Bran shot first.

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