Sunday 12 April 2015

Chocolate lucky charms review

 Ahh Lucky charms.An American classic.This is not the original tough this is chocolate lucky charms! Its been a while since I've had the normal version but I have to admit to them not being one of my favourites. However the promise of chocolate with those signature marshmallows was enough to reel me back in and give them another go!
 I was expecting a strong smell of chocolate when opening the bag but there was only a slight hint.I could also detect a sweet smell from the marshmallows.The colours really make it for me, we're not used to bright cereal in the UK and I loved how it stood out. I had a couple of pieces dry and was underwhelmed.Where was the chocolate? The milk was added in hopes of it all coming together.However the chocolate flavour was still not very strong and overpowered by the sweetness of the marshmallows.The marshmallows tough, as I'm sure you know, were delicious.I can see why so many save them all for the end! The texture of the cereal is good, and they hold up in milk.The marshmallows get quite slimy but still have their freeze-dried like texture which was lovely.

Overall I was disappointed.This could have been so perfect but in my opinion was not that flavoursome. The lucky leprechaun tricked me!
The milk was actually my favourite part of the cereal. It takes on the little chocolate flavour there is and makes for a lovely drink! If you're a big fan of the regular lucky charms then you would probably love this cereal and even if you don't , it's worth it for the marshmallows!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5

Last Comments- :(

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