Tuesday 30 June 2015

Chocolate Toast Crunch cereal review!

I have waited a long time for this. Ever since trying-and falling in love with-Peanut Butter Toast crunch , I knew I had to try the chocolate version. So when I managed to get my hands on this I was very excited.

 Eagerly opening the box and having a sniff, I was met with a strong smell of cocoa , this was very promising. I mean just look at that dusting! On this journey of cereal self discovery , I have come to realise that I am very fond of a dusty cereal. I tried a single piece dry,teasing myself. I knew the flavour wouldn't be as strong on it's own. The solitary square was underwhelming, little chocolate flavour and almost had a savoury aftertaste. I had not given up hope tough,as with the PB Toast Crunch- this was only one square.

I poured in the milk and scooped up a big spoonful of this long awaited cereal. HOLY MOLY THIS IS GOOD. The chocolate flavour was so rich and powerful , eating it I felt like a sophisticated adult ;all I needed was a glass of red wine and a velvet dressing gown and I was set. The hint of cinnamon , comes on queue , right at the end and takes this to the next level! This dark chocolate flavour combo paired with the signature texture and crunch makes for the perfect chocolate cereal. It almost felt like I was eating chocolate biscuits, just lighter and better.

Not to mention this whopper! Do not fear for the roof of my mouth , I have had many years of training to deal with this situation.

You're probably wondering about the milk. If you're in the unofficial cereal fan club , you know the milk is important. Well, this does not disappoint. The milk welcomes the sugary dusting like it's long lost family - and the reunion is delicious.I also feel like this version holds up better in milk, but maybe that's because I ate it so fast , it didn't have a chance to get soggy.

The only variety I haven't tried is Frosted Toast Crunch. Please let me know in the comments if you've tried it and think it's worth a go :)


Texture- 5/5
Sog factor-4/5

Last Comments- I need to go lie down.

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