Saturday 11 April 2015

Peanut Butter Toast Crunch review

Peanut butter and cereal.Two of my most favourite things and this version stems from one of the nicest cereals - Cinnamon toast crunch.However, there are lots of mixed reviews about it.From what Iv'e read online the majority of people despise the stuff! But then I would find a positive among the swarms of negative and when people like this cereal they absolutely love it, and the praise was enough to convince me to buy a box.I must admit tough, they were at a reduced price as they are a few weeks out of date, but I was hoping this wouldn't have an effect.

 Opening the packet you are met with a very peanut buttery smell- it's good, but there's also an artificial smell lurking in the background, a bit like plastic, and it made me nervous. The squares were also quite orange, also not a great sign. So many people claimed these tasted horrible and artificial but I desperately wanted them to be good so I remained hopeful.I tried a square dry, there was a slight peanut taste, not as strong as I would like but this was only one square.

So I added the milk and got a good amount on my spoon. I love them.They're amazing. I'm in peanut butter crunch heaven. The first thing I thought of was that they taste like the inside of a Butterfinger but without the chocolate.The peanut butter flavour comes together great with the milk and is very, very moreish. The texture, as expected is perfect and their coating stays on for a good amount of time.
Orange speckles are left in the milk like a beautiful peanut butter cereal galaxy. The outcome of this being peanut flavoured milk.This might not sound nice but it is and could be a drink in its own right.

Ignore the bad reviews! They must want all the cereal for themselves-it's the only explanation.


Taste- 4.5/5
Sog Factor- 2.5/5

Last comments- Why isn't peanut butter milk a big thing? It should be right?

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