Monday 11 July 2016

Strawberry Cheesecake Oreo's review !

Hey, It's been a while. I- like probably most of you- have been busy. Too busy to eat cereal? Most certainly not. Too busy to write about it? Yeah, kinda. So, what better way to return than with... biscuits?

Ok, So I know this isn't cereal , but there's nothing stopping anybody from having Oreo's for breakfast so I'm gunna let it sly. Because how amazing do these sound?!

The promise of strawberry cheesecake Oreo's sounded too good to be true. Sometimes I feel companies have the habit of sticking "cheesecake" on the end of food to make them sound better. And it works, well for me anyway. stick cheesecake on the end of anything boring and it becomes 100% more appealing.

However looking at the ingredients, there was no cheese element to be found. In some ways this was quite good as I'm pretty sure these are suitable for vegans (Don't quote me on that, might wanna fact check) , but also not good because how were they going to taste like cheesecake?

 Well the short version is they don't. Here's the long version...
Opening the packet, a strong strawberry scent is present. Like , really strong. I'm not a massive fan of strawberries so this had no effect on me. I opened it up and noticed teeny tiny red specks throughout. Not sure what that has to do with anything , just wanted to show you how observant I am. Anyway, I assembled the Oreo back into its original form , feeling like some kind of biscuit surgeon, before taking my first bite.
The first taste is of the course the classically delicious dark biscuit, followed by a sweet strawberry flavour. I would say the filling tastes exactly like strawberry Nesquick, or at least how it smells. To be honest I wasn't a fan. Oh yeah and no cheesecake flavour at all! What a con. I even tried some of the creme by itself and nothing.  If you like strawberry flavoured things though, I'm sure this would be a hit , so let me know what you think. While I'll be thinking about how to use up a whole pack of strawberry flavoured Oreos that don't taste like cheesecake.


Taste: 1/5
Texture: 4/5 ( I mean... it's an Oreo.)
Tea test: N/A

Last Comments: Maybe I could make an actual cheesecake with them...

Saturday 28 May 2016

Carrot Cake Granola Recipe ! (Vegan)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While cake is arguably the most important meal of a birthday. Well it's not my birthday, nor do I have any cake , so I made this instead. The combination of cake and cereal is a dream come true for me and I hope will be for you too. It really does taste like carrot cake ! Albeit a crunchy one but still , cake for breakfast is rarely a disappointment.

I like to use this granola as more of a topper on other cereal rather than having it by itself but if you wanted to eat this as it is then you may need to double/ triple the recipe as it would probably only make one portion.


1 cup of oats
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 tablespoons maple syrup
4 tsp sweetener ( or sugar)
1/2 a small carrot
1 tablespoon desiccated coconut
4 Pecans broken up
2 tablespoons water
Spray oil (optional)


Step one: Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (fan). Mix the oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, sweetener, pecans and coconut together in a bowl.

Step two: Peel and grate in the carrot, reserving a small amount.

Step three: Add maple syrup and give it a mix. Add water one tablespoon at a time, adding more if necessary, you may only need one tablespoon. Once clumps of the mixture have come together but is not too wet then it's perfect.

Step four: Line a baking sheet with some baking paper and spread the granola mixture evenly out. Grate the remaining bit of carrot on the top. I like to add a sprinkle more of cinnamon on the top but thats up to you.

Step five: I also like to use a little bit of spray oil on the top to make sure it gets crunchy but that's also up to you . Bake for 15- 20 minutes or until golden brown. You may also want to flip the granola halfway through it's cooking time for extra crispiness but guess what? That's up to you. Go crazy.

And that's it! Isn't it pretty ? I'm a bit out of season though given how autumnal the colours are. Oh well , carrot cake is delicious all year round. If you make this recipe , please let me know what you think in the comments! Also if you have any questions send them my way. Even if it's not about this recipe , I don't mind. I'm going to finish this post off by rating my own granola because that's how brutally honest I am.


Taste: 4.5/5
Texture: 4/5
Sog factor: 3/5
Cereal milk: 4/5

Last Comments: Please tell me I'm not the only one who has had cake for breakfast before?

Saturday 19 March 2016

Cuetara Choco Flakes Cereal review!

 This has to be one of the most interesting cereals I've ever seen. Described as "puffed rice and chocolate chips wrapped in cracker biscuit";the unique combination was something I knew I had to try. Especially because they reminded me of little tiny pop tarts in cereal form.

 Opening the bag up, the pieces were bigger, heavier and sturdier than I imagined. I mean they look good, right? Kinda like one of those stone faces from Super Mario but also very appetising. There's a thought I never thought I'd have. The recommended serving is 9 pieces, which is shown above.
Trying a piece dry , the flavour was nice, but what really made it was the combination of textures. From light and airy puffed rice, to smooth chocolate chips, to crunchy biscuit. When you add milk however , the crunchy biscuit part doesn't last very long. Like at all. I'm talking about 10 seconds max before the biscuit exterior dissolves and is never to be seen again. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though! The outcome is still a lovely, unique experience and you're left with a biscuit flavoured milk. If you're anything like me, biscuit flavoured milk = cereal goals. I got my box on the cereal killer cafe's online shop, but they also had it available in-store when I last went. So give it a try - it's a weird one.


Taste - 4/5
Texture - 4/5
Sog factor - 0.5/5
Cereal Milk - 3/5

Last Comments: When looking for information about this cereal online , this was the first thing I found. From what I gathered , this cereal mascot thing was giving a doll a limited amount of time before he was going to sexually assault her.  But I'm hoping I've got that wrong.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

New: Special K Biscuit Moments, Double Choc Review!

So Kellogg's have added two new flavours to their biscuit moments range. The "Double Choc" which we have here and the very fancy sounding "Black Forest Gateau." Despite the sneakily similar packaging I have avoided picking up that version. Aint no fruit getting near my chocolate. The only exception I will make when it comes to fruit in dessert is Banoffee pie. Other than that the rule is- if it's one of your five a day then it's not pudding.

I kind of feel like these biscuits are like diet Pop Tarts. I've only had the chocolate version , which I'm pretty sure is the same thing with a plain pastry. They were okay , but I was hoping the extra chocolate would make them better.

If something looks like it could be microwaved then I will microwave it. That's another rule. Well, it's not really but it usually makes thing better. So you can probably guess that I did in fact microwave one biscuit and reserved the other for cold testing. After 15 seconds, the drizzle had melted slightly and the smell of brownie filled the air. Both promising things.

I tried the microwaved one first. Unfortunately the taste was pretty bland. Nice, but not great. The cold one was actually better I think, it was richer and had a better crunch. Maybe I nuked all the flavour out of the other one, but hey it was for science. As usual , I dipped it in a cup of tea and it made it slightly nicer but not by a great amount.

Quite underwhelming really. However I do think they're a good chocolate hit and I have the sweetest tooth ever so that's something.


Dunk Difference: 3/5

Last Comments: Don't microwave toast it's super grody. Or do because you're an independent woman but also don't because it just ruins it and then you'll have to start again.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

French Toast Crunch cereal review

 The french? Pretty cool. Toast? Love the stuff. Crunch? It's a must. French Toast Crunch is an american favourite and seems to be a childhood staple. I have never been a child in America so for me it wasn't, yet my expectations were still high. You know there's a problem when you've had the cereal version of something before the actual thing. Yes, thats right. I've never had french toast. But who cares when you've got this ! I will confess though that I have tried this before in my favourite of places- The Cereal Killer Cafe! That was ages ago though and I've forgotten. So, in a recent trip to the US I picked up a box, along with many other cereal goods.
 If there was a prize for cutest cereal this would win hands down, wouldn't it? Oh my gosh is this cute , I want to look at it all day. Opening the box I was met with the heavenly scent of maple and cinnamon. It was a smell that reminded me of a new love that I had discovered on my trip- pancakes! It smelt like it was going to taste of pancakes and this had me excited. I try a couple of pieces dry , ignoring the bit of guilt I felt for eating something so darn adorable. The flavour was strong and I knew it could only get better with milk, so in it went.
 It's a rare occasion when something is better than you remember but this was. The first time I had it I thought it was good but this time- OH MY GOSH is it good! It tasted just how it smelt, with the combination of syrup and cinnamon making the perfect pair. As mentioned, I've never had french toast but I'm sure its resemblance would be admirable. As for texture , the crunch was perfect and held strong throughout. As you get further down it gets a slightly slimy outside, but in a super nice way that you find with other cereals.
So I ate it pretty quickly and was left with what I would like to trademark "Maple Milk". This wasn't the sort of cereal I thought would leave good cereal milk but DAMN. The flavour transported right into it. It was as if the cereal flavour was all like "Beam me up , Scotty." and the milk was like "Sure thing man."

I can see why this cereal was so popular and I'm very happy the good people's demands have been met with its return. Now if they could just go ahead and make pancake crunch then that would be cool.


Taste: 4.5/5
Sog Factor: 4/5
Cereal milk: 4.5/5

Last comments: Look at it. It's even got the crust on the outside. It's beautiful.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Kelkin Hazelnut and chocolate rice cake bar review

 You know what I love? Those dark chocolate covered round rice cake things. The combination of dark chocolate and popcorn-ish taste is just so good , which I think is pretty weird. This leads me to my discovery of this new rice bar. Im counting this as a cereal bar by the way , in case your wondering why it's on a breakfast blog- which you probably weren't. I thought it looked super nice,although quite different from my usual rice snack choice. As you can see from the wrapper, the chocolate is in between two rice cakes and is more of a paste than a hard chocolate top.
 Opening the wrapper the bar looked a little dry but the sweet smell of chocolate hazelnut held my hopes high.
As for taste it was actually really good. It doesn't look it but the paste is quite thick and contrasts well against the crunchy rice cake. If you've ever had those chocolate hazelnut "first class" biscuits from Bahlsen's Leibniz, the filling tasted exactly the same. And if you have ever had those chocolate hazelnut "first class" biscuits from Bahlsen's Leibniz, you'll know it's delicious. I usually dip my cereal bar in a cup of tea because I like to explore my options so I broke a bit off for dunking purposes. It didn't make much difference in terms of taste , just made the bar a bit mushier. I mean its rice cake so I probably should have guessed that would happen. Anyway, this is a very nice bar and makes for quite a healthy snack. I forgot to mention it's gluten free as well ! How grand.


Texture: 4/5
Taste: 4/5
Sog factor: 2/5
Dunk difference: 1/5

Last comments: I said it looked dry and then never told you if it was. My bad, it wasn't.