Saturday 20 February 2016

Kelkin Hazelnut and chocolate rice cake bar review

 You know what I love? Those dark chocolate covered round rice cake things. The combination of dark chocolate and popcorn-ish taste is just so good , which I think is pretty weird. This leads me to my discovery of this new rice bar. Im counting this as a cereal bar by the way , in case your wondering why it's on a breakfast blog- which you probably weren't. I thought it looked super nice,although quite different from my usual rice snack choice. As you can see from the wrapper, the chocolate is in between two rice cakes and is more of a paste than a hard chocolate top.
 Opening the wrapper the bar looked a little dry but the sweet smell of chocolate hazelnut held my hopes high.
As for taste it was actually really good. It doesn't look it but the paste is quite thick and contrasts well against the crunchy rice cake. If you've ever had those chocolate hazelnut "first class" biscuits from Bahlsen's Leibniz, the filling tasted exactly the same. And if you have ever had those chocolate hazelnut "first class" biscuits from Bahlsen's Leibniz, you'll know it's delicious. I usually dip my cereal bar in a cup of tea because I like to explore my options so I broke a bit off for dunking purposes. It didn't make much difference in terms of taste , just made the bar a bit mushier. I mean its rice cake so I probably should have guessed that would happen. Anyway, this is a very nice bar and makes for quite a healthy snack. I forgot to mention it's gluten free as well ! How grand.


Texture: 4/5
Taste: 4/5
Sog factor: 2/5
Dunk difference: 1/5

Last comments: I said it looked dry and then never told you if it was. My bad, it wasn't.

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