Wednesday 2 March 2016

New: Special K Biscuit Moments, Double Choc Review!

So Kellogg's have added two new flavours to their biscuit moments range. The "Double Choc" which we have here and the very fancy sounding "Black Forest Gateau." Despite the sneakily similar packaging I have avoided picking up that version. Aint no fruit getting near my chocolate. The only exception I will make when it comes to fruit in dessert is Banoffee pie. Other than that the rule is- if it's one of your five a day then it's not pudding.

I kind of feel like these biscuits are like diet Pop Tarts. I've only had the chocolate version , which I'm pretty sure is the same thing with a plain pastry. They were okay , but I was hoping the extra chocolate would make them better.

If something looks like it could be microwaved then I will microwave it. That's another rule. Well, it's not really but it usually makes thing better. So you can probably guess that I did in fact microwave one biscuit and reserved the other for cold testing. After 15 seconds, the drizzle had melted slightly and the smell of brownie filled the air. Both promising things.

I tried the microwaved one first. Unfortunately the taste was pretty bland. Nice, but not great. The cold one was actually better I think, it was richer and had a better crunch. Maybe I nuked all the flavour out of the other one, but hey it was for science. As usual , I dipped it in a cup of tea and it made it slightly nicer but not by a great amount.

Quite underwhelming really. However I do think they're a good chocolate hit and I have the sweetest tooth ever so that's something.


Dunk Difference: 3/5

Last Comments: Don't microwave toast it's super grody. Or do because you're an independent woman but also don't because it just ruins it and then you'll have to start again.

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