Thursday 27 August 2015

Ice cubes in cereal: Not the rapper!

Thought I'd try something different and write a post about the act of people putting ice cubes in their cereal. This is for those confused as to why people do it and for the others who can take comfort in knowing that they are not alone.

I put ice cubes in my cereal . If you think people are odd for doing this , will I judge you? Of course not ! I pity you.

Maybe people do it for different reasons, but for me it's for the milk. Putting Ice in cereal results in a very cold milk that takes cereal to the next level ! especially when you drink it at the end. Most peoples first reaction is "gross , watery milk! " You don't notice it though, and even if you did it's worth it. Once you realize the beauty of cold cereal and its leftover milk you will be disgusted by the luke-warm toilet water that is normal milk. Wow , I sound like a jerk. Of course I am very grateful that I have a fridge and milk so just know I'm being dramatic on purpose.Thank you.

I can't think of another reason someone might put ice in their cereal. Unless, maybe they're eating whiskey flavoured cereal. Which should defiantly be a thing.

For those of you who want to try it but are unsure, here is a list of things I was skeptical about and turned out to love:

  • Sushi
  •  Naps
  • Crunchy Bran
  • Wearing pajamas as clothes
  • Frogs
  • One Direction but only ironically ( and secretly very seriously) 
  • Actually no , I still don't like frogs

Well I hope that helps you understand the trend more. Like a lot of things in life , ice in cereal is not for everyone . For example, those with sensitive teeth. However if you haven't tried it , give it a go , because it's great. Take a risk ! It's a lot safer than bungee jumping. Probably.Let me know in the comments if you put ice in your cereal or your opinion on the matter- this is what real politics is about!

Tune in next week for Ice cubes in cereal: Yes , the rapper!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Rice Krispie's Treats cereal review!

Rice Krispie's Treats are the tried and tested combination of marshmallows and Rice Krispies , and most likely a bunch of chemicals which I should probably care more about consuming. The finished product though is delicious, and a baking staple in most households.
So when I found out about Rice Krispie's Treats Cereal, I was amazed. What genius came up with this idea ?

It had been a while since I made this discovery and struggled to find anywhere that sold it in the UK. I was starting to give up and dabbled with the idea of making my own Rice Krispie's Treats and then just bashing them into small pieces and adding milk. However I knew in my heart that it would not be the same. It would also have been a sign that I had way too much time on my hands.

Then I saw it. Amongst the many other boxes of cereal at the cafe , its purple box stood out and called to me. I imagined this is what it's like to start a relationship online and meet for the first time in real life. Only with this there were no disappointments. Think Catfish but with food instead of people and happy endings instead of anger.

I just want to apologise for the poor photo, the lighting was dark so I had to make some lighting adjustments. #nonofilter. Because there is a filter.

Well it tastes exactly how you would expect. Rice Krispie , marshmallowy , crunchy goodness. It was literally like eating broken Rice Krispies Treats, and I felt less ashamed by my previously mentioned idea. I will be honest and say I wasn't blown away, but still enjoyed it very much. If this was easily available to me I could defiantly see myself craving it and making trips to by a box and 10:00pm on a Tuesday night.The texture was also good and stayed surprisingly crunchy for a long time.

I finished the bowl very satisfied , with the milk taking on the sweet, marshmallow flavour perfectly. I envy you America and the wide selection available to you. The only cereal I can think that might be similar in the UK is Ricicles. Basically frosted Rice Krisipie's. If anyone's tried them, please let me know what you think in the comments. If you haven't tried them , then you can pretend and write something anyway, I won't mind.


Texture- 3.5/5
Sog factor-3.5/5
Cereal milk- 3.5/5

Last Comments- I would like to mention no snaps,crackles or pops were to be heard when eating this cereal. Only a crunch. Crunch is the fourth one , he's older and cooler than the others.

Friday 21 August 2015

Cereal Killer Cafe: Camden review!

 I'm back for round three ! This time at the Camden location , as I felt it my duty as an avid cereal cafe fan to try both locations. As suspected , it's amazing!

The cafe logo is proudly displayed on the front of the shop , behind a bunch of video tapes which is pretty cool and sticking with the retro theme.Just the same as Brick lane , in that when you enter you are met with a wall of cereals and a menu on the right.

I was visiting with a mission. I knew exactly what I wanted to order as I have been wanting to try them for ages. coco pops. No just kidding, I wouldn't commit such a crime.
I went for a bowl of French Toast Crunch and another of Rice Krispie Treats cereal. I will post a review for both of these soon, so look out for that!

When inside , you see this amazing wall made out of milk containers. It's crate!
Old TV's are placed inside it, making me not only enjoy the nostalgia of old cartoons, but appreciate the architecture and sturdiness of the sculpture standing beside me. Next to this are tables and a bar like setting with a long table and stools.

 Further on there's an even bigger seating area , with beds! I firmly believe this is because everyone knows cereal is better in the evening than in the morning. Or does it mean I could live there if I paid rent ? I'll ring them ...

Even more retro memorabilia covers the walls, which I could look at all day . Old things are fun to look at actually. Cereal boxes , cars , and even though it's gross there's something about mouldy fruit which is just disgustingly mesmerising.

Anyway, I'm very happy that the cafe is getting the attention it deserves and that the company is expanding. The more the merrier is what I say! I just hope that one day there's a location closer to me.

If you'd like to know what the Brick Lane location is like, there is a review here

Friday 14 August 2015

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme cereal review!

 Hershey's chocolate isn't something I eat a lot of here in the UK. Is it because it's harder to find? Or because it tastes gross? Ok, i'm exaggerating. My point here is that I don't feel I'm experienced enough to compare this to the real bar. However I love cookies , and had high hopes this is what the cereal would taste like.

They smelled good, I was defiantly getting the creme scent coming through;That is not a sentence I hope to use in any other situation. They are smaller than I was expecting , the box had mislead me and my trust was beginning to fade. Below is the recommended serving of 27g , which is 110 calories. Not including the extra cereal added when you decide to ignore this fact.
Shout out to my first commenter who asked me to do this :)

That sounded sarcastic, it wasn't meant to be I promise. Anyway , I tried the pieces dry- separately of course! To my surprise , the "white chocolate" balls were more flavourful and had a nice vanilla hint. Whereas the brown ones - which I'm guessing were the cookies - were quite mild. Eager to see how the flavours would combine, I added the milk.

As suspected the white chocolate is the more prominent flavour, and the whole thing is a little underwhelming. It's a nice bowl of cereal tough. Good white chocolate flavour with a hint of broken promises. Only because I was hoping there would be a dark chocolate flavour , like the biscuit pieces found in the bar, but there was none ( so much for not comparing) . Texture however was very good , staying crunchy throughout. The remaining milk is pretty much the same, just a bit sweeter.

I guess the cereal I'm really looking for is " Oreo-o's" , an Oreo flavoured cereal which are only to be found in South Korea. One of the many cereals on my long list of ones I'd love to try. Maybe one day. *looks dramatically out of the window*


Texture- 4/5
Taste- 3/5
Sog Factor- 4/5
Cereal milk- 2/5

Last Comments: Whoever's pouring the milk in the picture on the box needs to take it down a notch.    It's going to go everywhere and the cereal will go soggy while they tidy it up. Fool.