Tuesday 30 June 2015

Chocolate Toast Crunch cereal review!

I have waited a long time for this. Ever since trying-and falling in love with-Peanut Butter Toast crunch , I knew I had to try the chocolate version. So when I managed to get my hands on this I was very excited.

 Eagerly opening the box and having a sniff, I was met with a strong smell of cocoa , this was very promising. I mean just look at that dusting! On this journey of cereal self discovery , I have come to realise that I am very fond of a dusty cereal. I tried a single piece dry,teasing myself. I knew the flavour wouldn't be as strong on it's own. The solitary square was underwhelming, little chocolate flavour and almost had a savoury aftertaste. I had not given up hope tough,as with the PB Toast Crunch- this was only one square.

I poured in the milk and scooped up a big spoonful of this long awaited cereal. HOLY MOLY THIS IS GOOD. The chocolate flavour was so rich and powerful , eating it I felt like a sophisticated adult ;all I needed was a glass of red wine and a velvet dressing gown and I was set. The hint of cinnamon , comes on queue , right at the end and takes this to the next level! This dark chocolate flavour combo paired with the signature texture and crunch makes for the perfect chocolate cereal. It almost felt like I was eating chocolate biscuits, just lighter and better.

Not to mention this whopper! Do not fear for the roof of my mouth , I have had many years of training to deal with this situation.

You're probably wondering about the milk. If you're in the unofficial cereal fan club , you know the milk is important. Well, this does not disappoint. The milk welcomes the sugary dusting like it's long lost family - and the reunion is delicious.I also feel like this version holds up better in milk, but maybe that's because I ate it so fast , it didn't have a chance to get soggy.

The only variety I haven't tried is Frosted Toast Crunch. Please let me know in the comments if you've tried it and think it's worth a go :)


Texture- 5/5
Sog factor-4/5

Last Comments- I need to go lie down.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Golden syrup flavour snaps Review!

 Asda have been on point with their cereals at the moment. I was stuck for choice with the various new flavours on offer. Along with this they had strawberry snaps, milkshake flavoured shreddie like things and a new Weetabix cereal. In the end I chose this though- Golden syrup snaps. I think it's because Rice Krispie's are one of my ultimate cereals. Simple but delicious.

The only other golden syrup flavour cereal I've had is Weetabix and I didn't really like it. With this in mind while opening the bag and getting a whiff of it , I realised that in actual fact - I don't like golden syrup.

With the excitement of choice , I seem to have made a bad decision.I pressed on however , for my readers that I one day hope to have. Sarcasm aside , I tried some dry. Oh dear. I didn't like this one bit , just a small amount was enough to put me off and give me a bit of a headache from the sweetness. I know this makes me sound like I should be at Weenie Hut Juniors but it's the truth. Appearance wise the "snaps" are smaller than Rice Krispies and a lot stickier.

I didn't give up though , I will not be defeated so easily , especially without even a milk test, so in it went. The good news is , it tastes a lot better in milk. The flavour is diluted a bit and much more bearable. If you liked golden syrup then I'm sure you would love these as they are very true to the syrups original taste. The milk left tough was not good.Really not good, but again I don't like golden syrup and in hindsight , this was a pretty stupid thing for me to review. So to all syrup fans out there , let me know what you think!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-2/5

Last Comments: I would love it if Asda tried some different flavours of this. Peanut butter would be amazing! They could even do a chocolate one...wait never mind.

Friday 5 June 2015

New Lion granola review!

I'm going to be honest here; I've never had Lion cereal. I know! It's a sham! Who am I to judge this granola when I've never had the proper cereal. It gets worse, as I'm not even the biggest fan of granola. It's just there's usually too much of a honey taste going on for me. BUT I'm going to review this anyway because I'm a rule breaker, and this did look very tasty. Maybe it was the picture of big chunks of chocolate and caramel reeling me in.

 Well as you can see , I've been fooled! No big chunks of chocolate to be found here. Oh well, it still looks pretty good and there are some big clusters lurking in there, which did have some small chocolate chips. The aroma was also nice, with a slight caramel hint.

Granola is the only type of cereal that I think tastes better without milk, and these were very tasty and crunchy. I'm not one to snack on cereal tough , so in the milk went.

It didn't taste too different actually. There is a nice caramel taste with a slight chocolate hint, and it's always a better flavour when you get a cluster as apposed to lots of little bits.That could just be my imagination tough! Texture is very good, very crunchy, very milk resistant. The only thing I wasn't a fan of were the little oats- tasted like not cooked porridge, but then again that is what they are. I'm all over the place with this!

Lion milk isn't too dissimilar from cow's milk.I'll inform the scientists immediately. A slightly caramel sweet taste is left , and all of the fallen off oats sink to the bottom. nice surprise if you like them , not if you don't.

This granola is probably the nicest granola I've had. So if you are a big fan of granola you should defiantly try it. Theres something about it thats very moreish. Even tough it didn't amaze me , I still find myself wanting more.


Taste- 3/5
sog factor-4.5/5

 Last Comments: More like GRRRnola . Oh dear.
 Edit: It's been a few weeks since this review and the more bowls I have ,the more I like it. Taste is now 4/5, I'm sorry for judging you granola, you are delicious.