Wednesday 30 September 2015

Belvita Soft Bakes Choc Chips review!

When I hear the phrase "soft baked" I think of a warm, gooey cookie straight from the oven.I tried to get this image out of my head, as I knew they were unfair expectations to set for a breakfast biscuit!
Although I am quite fond of a Belvita, particularly the honey and nut flavour , so I was interested to see how these would taste, as they also have chocolate chips.
If I can help it, 80% of the things I eat would contain chocolate chips

Below is the shiny wrapper you get it in.Yes, you only get one! It made me realize how big the "V" is in the logo. It looks like a big tick , which is a sentence that needs to be enunciated well when being said out loud.

It defiantly looked soft baked, which is good because I don't enjoy being lied to by biscuits.Breaking a bit off further confirmed this and I took a bite. The first thing that hits you is a very oaty flavour, just like the normal oat flavoured Belvita's;then you get a chocolate chip, which is rich and dark.Just like my men.
The texture is an odd one. It is nice and soft , but has weird crispy bits inside , kinda like the ones found in a Cadbury's boost bar.

Honestly, I didn't love them and I was a little disappointed they didn't taste like a cookie , but that's probably my problem more than Belvita's. It's also worth mentioning I'm not a big fan of oat biscuits, so if you do enjoy a bit of crunchy porridge, then they might be worth a try!



Last comments- What does Jackie Chan eat for breakfast...? Belvi-TA!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Coco Pops Choco's cereal review!

 You know that cereal that they always have at the breakfast buffet when you go on holiday? I think this is that cereal. Well, it's the same shape anyway- and that's good enough for me!

I found this unusually small bag in Poundland. The cereal being a shape that for some reason is uncommon in the UK. I don't know why, maybe the curl is hard to achieve, and like me on a Monday morning, cereal makers just can't be bothered.

Below is the 30g serving they reccommend. It doesn't look like much, but their shape means they all snuggle together closely.Did that stop me from adding more? nope!

Completely ignoring the preliminary dry taste test, I got right to it with the milk , and had a good amount on my spoon. My eyes lit up, as the low expectations I had set were smashed. This is the dark horse of cereals. The chocolate flavour is strong and intense, with the texture matching and staying crunchy for a good time.
The curly shape is delightful, and makes it even tastier.I don't know how -but it does. The taste actually reminded me of Chocolate Toast Crunch. ( review here ) I mean it wasn't AS good, but at £1 a bag and being easy to get, I wasn't complaining.

As for the milk, it takes on a little bit of the chocolate flavour , but it's nothing to write home about. Not that anyone would write a letter about cereal milk, they put it in a blog!


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5
Cereal milk-2.5/5

Last Comments- Why aren't more cereal in bags? Honestly, I think I'd rather have a cereal bag than a handbag.