Monday 11 July 2016

Strawberry Cheesecake Oreo's review !

Hey, It's been a while. I- like probably most of you- have been busy. Too busy to eat cereal? Most certainly not. Too busy to write about it? Yeah, kinda. So, what better way to return than with... biscuits?

Ok, So I know this isn't cereal , but there's nothing stopping anybody from having Oreo's for breakfast so I'm gunna let it sly. Because how amazing do these sound?!

The promise of strawberry cheesecake Oreo's sounded too good to be true. Sometimes I feel companies have the habit of sticking "cheesecake" on the end of food to make them sound better. And it works, well for me anyway. stick cheesecake on the end of anything boring and it becomes 100% more appealing.

However looking at the ingredients, there was no cheese element to be found. In some ways this was quite good as I'm pretty sure these are suitable for vegans (Don't quote me on that, might wanna fact check) , but also not good because how were they going to taste like cheesecake?

 Well the short version is they don't. Here's the long version...
Opening the packet, a strong strawberry scent is present. Like , really strong. I'm not a massive fan of strawberries so this had no effect on me. I opened it up and noticed teeny tiny red specks throughout. Not sure what that has to do with anything , just wanted to show you how observant I am. Anyway, I assembled the Oreo back into its original form , feeling like some kind of biscuit surgeon, before taking my first bite.
The first taste is of the course the classically delicious dark biscuit, followed by a sweet strawberry flavour. I would say the filling tastes exactly like strawberry Nesquick, or at least how it smells. To be honest I wasn't a fan. Oh yeah and no cheesecake flavour at all! What a con. I even tried some of the creme by itself and nothing.  If you like strawberry flavoured things though, I'm sure this would be a hit , so let me know what you think. While I'll be thinking about how to use up a whole pack of strawberry flavoured Oreos that don't taste like cheesecake.


Taste: 1/5
Texture: 4/5 ( I mean... it's an Oreo.)
Tea test: N/A

Last Comments: Maybe I could make an actual cheesecake with them...