Saturday 11 July 2015

Jif Peanut butter cereal review!

 When I saw this cereal I knew it needed to be good. After all it has strong competition. My favourite being Peanut butter toast crunch. In peanut butter cereal I look for a strong flavour,good crunch and a nice dust. Dust is a must.
 The peanut butter smell is strong with this one. I've never had Jif before as it's not as popular in the UK but if it tastes how this smells, I must try it. I was quite skeptical of this cereal as its concept reminded me of Cap 'n' crunch PB cereal, of which I'm not a fan.
I got a good amount on my spoon with some milk and was pleasantly surprised. The flavour is a decent replica of actual peanut butter and the crunch is great. My first bowl down and I thought I had it sussed. Better than Cap 'n' Crunch but nowhere near as good as PB Toast Crunch. 

Then something happened. Every bowl after got better and better. The flavour got stronger and I loved it more every time I had it. Maybe its because it got dustier after the top layer but I felt a victim of cereal witchcraft. Its just as good as my current favourite and I polished off the box pretty quickly.

As for sogginess , this cereal shines when its dry but is still good after a bit of a soak. It's only weakness is the milk, leaving very little flavour and only a reminder that it's all gone.Maybe I should add cereal milk to the overall list ? 

Anyway this cereal is amazing. I find some cereals I fall in love with the first couple of bowls and then go off them. However I loved these through and through.Just goes to show first impressions don't always count :)


Texture- 4/5
Sog factor-4/5
Cereal milk- 2/5

Last Comments- Jif sounds like an old-timey dance.